SHAKE VIGOROUSLY before each use. Add 1 fl oz of Liquid Fence® Mole Repellent Concentrate2 for each gallon of water and mix thoroughly until solution has a milky white appearance. Please note: It is normal for small
amounts of yellow grease in the form of small beads to float to the top of the mixture. With garden sprayer or sprinkler can, apply this product liberally to lawns or landscaped garden areas. After application, soak the treated area with water. Do not overwater, as this may cause the product to run off treated area(s). Tips to ensure guaranteed-effective repellency:
- Pre-dampening area will enhance product penetration into soil.
- If mole infestation is high, you may need additional applications.
- If excessive rainfall occurs after application, causing runoff of product, you may need to reapply.
Commercial Use Mix/Spread Rate:
- 1 to 3 fl oz per gallon of water
- Ratio 128:1 or 42:1
- 3 parts per 1,000 sq ft